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[分享]DGM 21话预告






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发帖: 2961
SOS币: 31374
社团: ☆折原☆波江姐应援团
社团: 悲剧党
社团: 怪叔叔不要不要团
社团: 路人抢劫无限公司
社团: Lucky ☆ Channel
注册: 2006-08-28
访问: 2020-06-02

发表于 2007/03/03 | 编辑



















发表于 2007/03/03 | 编辑



While Allen and Lavi are making their discoveries outside, Krory is inside the castle standing in front of a giant portrait of his grandfather. He feels that he’s a vampire hated by the villagers, so he has no friends, and that he’s destined to live and die in this castle. Krory then starts to cry even though he knows that he’ll always have his beloved Eliade by his side. He wonders if this is his grandfather’s curse that turned him into a monster because he was always drawn to the outside world. Eliade then comes into the room in tears and pretends that the Exorcists attacked and burned down the man-eating flowers. Because she doesn’t want to let them leave the castle, Eliade urges Krory to fight and feeds him some of her own blood. Back outside, Allen and Lavi have discovered that each of the coffins houses the metal skeleton of an Akuma. The two realize that if Krory was only attacking Akuma all along, then this isn’t a vampire extermination. Before they can finish this thought, Krory appears and punches Lavi into a wall.

Facing against an angry Krory, Allen is immediately sent on the defensive by Krory’s violent attacks. To get Krory to listen to him, Allen returns his arm to its normal, non-weapon form. He explains that all of the villagers’ bodies turned out to be Akuma and questions if Krory is really a vampire. As if to prove it, Krory bites Allen’s neck and says that he only cares about living in this castle forever with Eliade. Proclaiming that he’ll kill anyone who interferes, Krory knocks Allen into the castle wall. However, Krory is then attacked by Lavi who has woken back up. A battered Allen meanwhile stumbles his way through the castle until he accidentally triggers a hidden door to a secret room. Inside, he sees the shadow of a monster on the far wall, but that shadow soon disappears. Reappearing behind Allen is Eliade, and she pins him against a bookcase. As his chest is getting crushed by Eliade, Allen finds himself getting weaker and sleepier. In an attempt not to fall asleep, Allen starts talking about how Krory isn’t a monster or vampire but rather the Exorcists’ ally because he killed only Akuma. This causes Eliade to laugh and punch Allen repeatedly because she insists Krory’s a vampire and won’t let him be taken away.

Outside the castle, Lavi is telling Krory that he’s their comrade since he was sucking the blood only from Akuma. He’s concluded that Krory has a parasitic-type Innocence similar to Allen’s because Akuma poison is ineffective against him. In other words, Lavi thinks that Krory is an Exorcist like them because Krory has been unconsciously targeting Akuma due to his Innocence. For now, however, Lavi plans to knock Krory out with one of his hammer’s seals, and a large column of flame rises up as Lavi attacks. Back inside, Eliade decides to cut off Allen’s head with an axe, but his left arm instinctively acts to stop it even though he is unconscious by now. The arm then grows huge and almost smashes Eliade, but she manages to get out of the way in time. Allen’s face also suddenly starts to go through a transformation where his injured eye projects a skull above his head. The skull, which has Mana’s voice, tells Allen that he’s back and that the darkness has returned. This causes Allen to remember that when he was young, he told Mana that he would continue being an Exorcist even if he couldn’t see with his left eye. The skull then gets absorbed into Allen’s head, and a gear-like monocle appears in front of Allen’s left eye. Able to see with it again, Allen finally realizes that Eliade is an Akuma. For him, the black and white world has returned, and he has his reason to fight.

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